
"Venus". Ульф Вандербрандт и оркестр «Русская филармония»

"Venus". Оркестр «Русская филармония».

Шоу «Queen & ABBA symphony». Дирижёр - Ульф Вандербрандт

"Venus" ("She Is Got It"). Shocking Blue. Maestro Ulf Wadenbrandt/ Queen & ABBA Symphony Show Государственный Кремлёвский Дворец

Видео - Светлана Мельникова


Франсис Гойя. Francis Goya. "Calling You"

Франсис Гойя сыграл в Кремле «Королевские мелодии»

Франсис Гойя (Francis Goya). "Aqua de Beber"

130-летие Маяковского отметили в Кремле

Ксения Исаева – Дарья Баранова. "Freedom". ТСК "Мелисса"

"Долина папоротников". Танцевально-спортивный клуб "Мелисса"


Venus - She is got it (Shocking Blue)

Godness of the mountain tops
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name

She's got it yes baby she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire
Well I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire

Her weapons are her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got that no one else had

She's got it
Yes baby she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire
Well I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire

Godness of the mountain tops
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name

She's got it
Yes baby she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire
Well I'm your Venus I'm your fire
At your desire
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it
Yes baby she's got it

Агентство Популярной Информации API TV

Категория: ВИДЕО | Добавил: apitvdance (22.07.2023)
Просмотров: 2113 | Теги: API TV, Vinus, Шизгара | Рейтинг: 5.0/59